It was a last min and great decision to unwind :D
Our seats had massage function but it felt more like just vibration
Charlotte loves to look for gong gong cos he spolit her, every time!
We are the eskimos...
erms... Char was trying to post for the camera
Oh my ugly double eyelids...
Char's so-called pose
The TV but I only managed to watch 2 movies (The Nanny & The Wedding Game) and was being chased to sit on the ground by Char
Charlotte: Mummy go away...
Charlotte's school shoes ~ very camo right?
Poor monkeys... They were rummaging through the dustbins for food...
Char was amazed and thot that those monkeys were teddy bears
Bak Ku Teh ~ expensive but not bad
Dim Sum ~ please eat in Singapore
In hotel room, ready for the fun day
Naughty face
Char loves being tickled by Daddy
At the Hainanese restaurant ~ hm... nice nasi lemak!
Like father like daughter
Ivan's gonna be losing loads of hair
The one and only photo where all's in
Told Char to stand beside the tree to pose for us, then...
with in-laws and then...
Char went around posing everywhere :D
One and only family photo of us three
Char stood there waiting for me to take photo of her
Oh... I love love love cuttlefish!!!
This was actually for adults
We used lolipop to coax her into posing with the board
Popping ping pong calls into the froggie
Spray gun game
THIS is what I call ~ FAMILY SPIRIT!!!
We exchanged our winning tixs with 2 whistles and a pen
Strong wind
its freaking cold!
Char chewing on cuttlefish... She loves cuttlefish just like me :D and asked for MORE
Father-in-law insisted to feed Char muffins and created a big mess, everywhere
Charlotte refused to pose for the camera in the caterpillar train cos she wanted to play with the kids in the opposite cabin
In the choo choo train...
Super scared of this ride still ~ few years ago came to Genting with Yirong, Shirlene & Weizhi... took this ride and felt that its very shaky as its only supported by a centre track ~
Char was so sweet... put her hands on my heart (but somehow it landed on my tummy) and said,
"Mummy par par (scared), Mummy par par..."
Dun fancy lacy stuffs but this shop looks sweet
In ferris wheel ~ a little scary with all the creaking sounds... eeeks
love the outdoor seating area cos get to enjoy a cuppa hot chocolate in the cold weather

Self taken ~ not bad?
Self taken ~ not bad?
No special effects here ~ maybe cos Char's moving
This top (treated it like a trench coat kinda) costs only $6.90
Grabbed at Singapore Expo Robinson Sales
For those who are wondering about her fringe ~ NO I did not trim her fringe for her. We trimmed it at REDS :S
Even indoors, the weather is great!
Added few chocolates on top for decoration purposes
Charlotte: Hmm... Chocolates!
Little one picked and finished all the chocolates and gave Daddy the cone :D
Genting is a cheap and cooling place to go.
Kids will definitely enjoy the theme park but children below the height of 0.72m are only allowed on most games in the indoor theme park and can totally forget about the outdoor one.
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