Monday, January 12, 2009

5 Jan 09 to 11 Jan 09 - Viral Fever

Taken on 4 Jan 09 when Char's was just having diarrhoea...

Love this photo...
She looks tired but I thought it's the aftermath of whole day at Explorer Kids the day before.
Lucky brought her to see doc in time.

So poor thing right?
Her fever went up to 42degC despite us feeding her the stronger medication.
So we have to kept on sponge her...
Doc at KKH told us they can't help much.
Went KKH 3 times and got same answer from 3 docs.

Finally she got admitted at the last visit cos doc is afraid that she might get dehydrated...
3D 2N stay at KKH just becos of viral fever...
BUT of course she's ok now :D

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