Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I'm a Newbie!

Started my new job not too long ago.

I started my first day of work weak - had stomach flu... buddied with the toilet and bed throughout whole weekend... dragged myself to work cos it's never good to be absent from work the first day you had to report for it.

Dread the feeling of waking up early - I am waking up much earlier than before as I need to go public. No more naps while Ivan's driving :(

I usually reach office 15 mins earlier and hope this can continue on. Haha.

After almost 5 years especially with the last 2 in supervisory role, its rather challenging to eat humble pie. Ya... I am doing much lesser than before but getting higher paid with more benefits. My scope is more of PR, tenants liaison, handing & taking overs and tenancy shopfront design which is never a problem for me except for the latter. I am not trained in design - especially on shop front details, though I was also in charge of retail previously, there's never a requirement. But I don't foresee it to a big issue once I get the hang of it.

In short, it's not a total different ball game for me. Currently I need more time on my new job to learn the ropes and hopefully my helper does not add on to my "to do list"... I am beginning to notice some issues

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