I've actually backdate this post :) cos I've been too busy with work... *hianz* its a long long story... if you wanna know must treat me to coffee then dish it out from me
Sorry for not inviting all friends cos running on tight budget constraints
We always can't have the photo of us 3 in our photos :(
In-laws cannot take good pics for us
We printed tees for Charlotte's first birthday celebration
Some says very "er xin"
The tee consists of Charlotte's growing up during the one year
The Chix Couple
Him: Hianz going to marry her
Her: I want to marry him!
The JI Couple
Charlotte's must be pondering..."How come Uncle has so much hair on his face"
Him: Named JI by Mich
Her: Uses her authority as JI's bor and threatened to bomb us everytime
He's the luckier one to have chance to carry my grouchy princess
The Beautiful Couple
Her: My bf's name is Anti cos he is Anti-Social
Us: He's not so Anti afterall... cute & shy lah

I think God has made them for each other
Have 夫妻像!

The Billard Couple
Him: Billard que
Her: Billard table leg
Germaine & Mich
Just came so a bit shy... but that's not her usual self neh
Mich must be cursing...
Its really not easy to feed a kid
SEE! Warmed up liao...
The Wongs
Eh... they tot Charlotte's birthday party was their family photo taking session neh ~ just joking lah... I can totally understand how Joanne feels cos I'm a mum too!
A can-rarely-be-seen event... usually mum does the feeding
The Lims
Eh... where's the little one?
Ben... very well behaved that day... he's still the joy in our family
Finally... a shot of three of us
But mummy, me is still so fat after sooo long...
Me not photogenic lah!
Mark & his daugther came... He's very nice to me and I miss working with him!
They had KFC & Pizza
GEE... so happy that we're cutting the cake
I'm a little disappointed that the deco of the cake is a little melted though
Overall, most like the cake ~ of course lah cos its from The Patissier... again!
I love the "Winnie the Pooh" jumper from Lisha & Dora
They bought Charlotte present even though they were not invited
The following photos will not in sequence... me tired shifting all the photos here n there liao... if i dun stop this entry will never be posted! ;)
Feeding her during normal days is already not easy... Feeding a sick baby is worse!
Charlotte was sick on that day and she actually puked onto me :( how i wish i can suffer on her behalf
She's communicating with Rachel - "Bah Bah Bu Bu Na Na" - all the baby talks
Germaine & MinMin
Germaine insisted tat the creature she carried was BJ but its Baby Bob
Like the aunt, wrong still insist she's correct :P
Alice & Anqi - our latest family member
Close up - She looks a lot like Ben & also like "little monk" so CUTE!
Charlotte finally allows Alice to carry her but she's not smiling
Flying pig ~ pressie from Alice
Anqi - she also puked ...
This photo is taken the next morning... I am so happy to see Charlotte so active again! She's recovered!
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