Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas & Happy 2012 !

little miss vain~y pot

first and only log cake sponsered by Alice & Andy

"dancing" around with Charlotte's Christmas present

Lucas loves to soak in the tub to cool his fever

Christmas Pressies
some... already opened and played/used

Best pressie -
not the inside but the wrapper
Thanks Chix family!

Charmaine already playing with her pressie
jumping caterpillar!

DJ Charmaine in da house!

Charlotte took Charmaine's pressie - Patrick

Patrick: Hello....

Love this monster

This is super evidence against Chix Jr!

The girls were all enjoying Rachel's birthday pressie

Had great a Christmas...
Ivan's working place, my place and
Joanne's place together with Rachel's birthday celebration. 

Looking forward to the other long weekend
 but not towards Lunar New Year :|
only the part where buddy comes back... super looking forward!

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